Notes from the SF Pride parade

Catherine and I just got back from the 1998 San Francisco GLBMNOP Pride parade. Although this is the first one I've been to I feel like this was the cusp, falling from the having a cause into a commercialized party.

If I see another councilwoman from somewhere with Martha Stewart hair and a Century 21 jacket in a borrowed 'vette, I'm gonna puke. There were clearly some politicians there who were a part of the scene, but too damned many obviously pandering ones.

Likewise churches with very uptight suburban type folks marching "in solidarity" or "to show their acceptance". I mean, it's a nice sentiment and all, but can't you at least have a token queer in your lineup?

Best lines from the three guys standing next to us:

To a barely leather clad fellow gyrating on a float: "Yoohoo, we've got a little fire emergency here, you could come over here and help!"
To the "straights for gay rights" float (why is it necessary to point out that you're straight any more?) "That guy doesn't walk like he's straight."
At the GLB square dance association: "And you thought it was all disco!"
The guy next to me saying "She's way cool. She saved me." to one of the women marching with the DA's office group. There's got to be a story there.
"Chaps make the cowboy"

Best gag (and I missed a photo of this) was the firewoman on the firetruck with the spurting fire extinguisher.

And the other scene that sticks in my mind was the sad looking man with the red back being flogged half-heartedly by another leather-clad one. The poor guy just looked like he needed a hug.

Sunday, June 28th, 1998