Flutterby™! : G-spot as historical construction

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G-spot as historical construction

2010-01-05 22:02:47.940159+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments

[ related topics: Erotic ]

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#Comment Re: made: 2010-01-06 15:28:48.568984+00 by: m

The plasticity of the interpretation of the anatomy, physiology and psychology of human sexuality is truly amazing.

Some difficulties are obvious. Set and setting effects are clearly capable of skewing physiological and physiological responses in clinically studied individuals. Personal bias and depth of experience will certainly prejudice individual researchers and survey participants. If all references claim that women don't ejaculate, and the researcher has not experienced same in their personal life, then any such claims would be extremely suspect.

More puzzling are the anatomical discrepancies. The interpretation of anatomical dissection is based, in part, on known physiologic function. How many such investigations include a clinical history of whether or not the corpse, while living, was an ejaculator?

There are also confounding issues. Weakness or lack of control of the urethral sphincter is common in women, particularly in times of abdominal muscle contractions -- "I laughed so hard I peed in my pants." This would also be expected to be a possiblity during sex and particularly in orgasm. Some studies of expressed fluid have shown constituents which were consistent only with urine. Other studies have demonstrated that the fluid is not consistent with urine, but rather similar to male prostatic fluid. Papers that I have seen all have very limited numbers of subject, and would obviously be subject to selection bias.

Even more interesting, and ever so much more difficult are the emotional and psychological factors in sexual behavior. Groups are still babbling about vaginal vs clitoral orgasm, when it is established that orgasm can be achieved through non-genital stimulation, or even completely absent any tactile contact.

Analysis of human sexual response is extremely difficult for a wide variety of reasons, most of which were not included here. Social, legal, academic, psychological and other factors slow the development of knowledge in the area. The only available solution as individuals is to explore, explore, and explore some more.