Flutterby™! : Poly & privilege

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Poly & privilege

2014-09-10 13:47:18.251211+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

Growing up poor with three parents. Talking about being poly and privilege...

If privilege can be defined as unearned advantage, then for my family polyamory was not the result of privilege. Rather, it was a source of it. I can see now that my parents’ triad provided them with the resources and mutual support they needed to be so conscientious in raising me and my two siblings. It freed them from many of the difficult decisions a poor, working family often has to make: attend the PTA meeting, or put in some overtime? Actively raise the children, or make enough money to feed them? A three parent household has 50% more time, income, and experience than a two-parent household. That counts for a great deal.

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