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Re: The Dramaton Engine

Hi Morbus,

I'm right now staying at Doug's house, and he asked me to reply to your
post. He is sick and moving right now. He tells me that he didn't answer
to your earlier mail because that was shortly before he got really sick,
so he hasn't been able to reply since then. He happily grants you
permission to use the current XML stuff at channelzilch.com/dramaton,
although he says the stuff there is quite sketchy and he can't imagine
why anyone would want to use it (he says it's basicly just housekeeping
information). But I'm sure he would be very happy to see any Dramatonic
demos/products out there.

So what are you up to?

There is now development underway on godinabox.com, which is going to
use Dramaton; however, the current Flash Actionscript code doesn't do
anything "dramatonic" yet, it only supports the branching inside the
future Dramatonic scenes so far. Doug hopes we'll have something up and
running by the end of the summer (but I wouldn't count on it).

Have fun,
- Benja