Dan rants: Chocolate as gateway drug

After a comment about the excellent Art of Chocolate , Fred of Metascene warned me that "chocolate is a gateway drug":

"Hi, my name is Dan, and..." [sniff] "...and... I'm an... an addict."

"When it started I didn't have a problem. I mean, sure I shared the occasional joint when it went around the campfire, and sometimes an acid trip at an equinox celebration, but it wasn't until someone brought a box of See's to a party that it got out of control.

"One day you're looking around to see if anyone noticed that you took an extra pecan caramel from the box, and the next it's popping chocolate out of the molds before it's even cooled, and... and..."

Someone leans over from an adjoining seat and puts a hand on Dan's back til he gets control again.

"... and then I was eating ganache from the double boiler with a spoon."

He puts his hand on his chest and breathes deeply a few times to regain his composure.

"I knew I'd hit rock bottom when I found myself standing on Blithedale in downtown Mill Valley asking Peter Coyote for three bucks for a double mocha.

"And that's when I decided to turn my life around and become a blogger."

Let this be a lesson to you: Never, ever, write e-mail at 4:30 in the morning

Monday, December 27th, 1999 danlyke@flutterby.com