Dan rants: Thanksgiving

Many years ago, a bunch of religious wackos and failed businessmen landed on the shores of New England, completely unprepared for the environment that awaited them. Luckily for them, an epidemic was sweeping through the population of native humans and the burial rituals of those natives involved large caches of preserved foods. By grave-robbing, these settlers managed to survive the winter, and their descendents eventually drove the natives off the land.

But enough of that, let's celebrate Thanksgiving for the cultural meaning it's taken on over the years, a chance for store owners to prepare for the rush of the first day of the Winter Solstice shopping season, to kick back, eat way too much, and loosen our belts on the couch in front of some mindless display of ritualized violence with barely veiled homosexual underto...

Oh, never mind.

If I paid more than lip service to the celebration I'd be typing for months in an effort to make sure I didn't leave something out, but in lieu of that, some things I'm thankful for:

Thursday, November 25th, 1999 danlyke@flutterby.com