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breaking the same old cycle

> the goal of the interactive fiction/drama/storytelling movement (which this list exists to serve) is to produce storytelling entertainment generated or mediated by software.

There is a critical distinction between "generated" and "mediated". Often, it seems those obsessed with generating eventual, possible, replacements to human creativity are determined to shout down those of us interested in how technology can, *today*, mediate, facilitate, empower and scale human storytelling.

As long as those more fascinated with predictable machine-code than ambiguous, "messy" humans insist on controlling the conversation, what you arbitrarily call the "movement" will be nothing of the kind. Rather, it will be a collection of individuals shouting past each other.

It is as if folks insisted on trying to design increasingly complicated automated voice mail systems to address the complexity of human need, when many of us just want to use the telephone to talk to each other. Not that there isn't a use and a place for voice mail, but it is NOT the end-all and be-all for all human communication, no matter how many manhours one has spent in hermitage "interfacing" only with oneself and one's code.

Meanwhile, those of us more interested in doing than arguing, will continue to do, and increasingly give up on these conversations altogether - which will impoverish us all. Especially when those who do least, speak the most.

It would be refreshing, for once, to find a developer forum where people are more interested in learning from one another than lecturing everyone else, in listening more than talking, in collaboration rather than competition, in humility rather than incessant self-promotion.

And to address new issues rather than hash over the same old flame-wars.
