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Entry: 2024-05-17 18:34:00.902613+02 California Forever rebranding by Dan Lyke comments 0

'Solano Gap': California Forever scrambles to create a need.

The Backstory: With a poll showing 70% of Solano County voters opposed to California Forever, the tech mega city a group of Silicon Valley billionaires wants to build between Fairfield, Vacaville and Rio Vista, the project appears dead on arrival. But don't expect the tech billionaires, who have unlimited money, to give up without a fight.

California needs a ton more housing, but... we need it as infill, and I've seen enough "we're gonna rearchitect everything" fail in the face of "the current system evolves" to be extremely skeptical of attempts to build utopias. Of course there's not nearly as much profit in fixing things as there is in ignoring the problems and doing greenfield development, and that's a social problem we need to be fixing.

[ related topics: California Culture Currency Real Estate ]

Entry: 2024-05-17 17:52:44.600255+02 Active Transportation links of the morning... by Dan Lyke comments 0

Bike Portland: New ODOT map shows fatal traffic crashes in real time

Beyond engineering, enforcement, education, data is a huge part any good road safety program. Similar to the City of Portland and Metro, ODOT wants zero deaths to occur on the entire system. They’ve stated a goal of “no deaths or life-changing injuries on Oregon’s transportation system by 2035.” And that’ll be an extremely tall order given current trends.

Meanwhile, in California... Active Transportation Program Cut Because Administration Wants to Prioritize Highways

The Newsom administration wants to cut the ATP because Caltrans is tired of having its state highway funding tapped.

[ related topics: Invention and Design Software Engineering Television California Culture Education Maps and Mapping Bicycling ]

Entry: 2024-05-01 18:58:54.254229+02 More evidence for the hazards of 6PPD by Dan Lyke comments 0

Tire toxicity faces fresh scrutiny after salmon die-offs

California has begun taking steps to regulate the chemical, last year classifying tires containing it as a "priority product," which requires manufacturers to search for and test substitutes.

"6PPD plays a crucial role in the safety of tires on California's roads and, currently, there are no widely available safer alternatives," said Karl Palmer, a deputy director at the state's Department of Toxic Substances Control.

[ related topics: Current Events California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-05-01 01:59:13.42071+02 Organized Catholic sex trafficking by Dan Lyke comments 0

JFC: Stunning accusations of sex abuse in Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans seminary pool; secret signals from one church abuser to others

“Additionally, it was reported that in some instances, ‘gifts’ were given to abuse victims by the accused [molesters] with instructions to pass on or give the gift to certain priests at the next school or church,” the warrant contended. “It was said that the ‘gift’ was a form of signaling to another priest that the person was a target for sexual abuse.

I have been kind of taking casually that the Petaluma St Vincent de Paul high school was "reorganizing", presumably to shield assets from paying out to victims of Santa Rosa diocese abuse, but I think the horrors are becoming less removed.

Via ResearchBuzz

[ related topics: Religion Children and growing up Erotic Privacy Sexual Culture Invention and Design Current Events California Culture Hurricane Katrina ]

Entry: 2024-04-27 03:15:02.956025+02 The idea he said is to do to San by Dan Lyke comments 0

”The idea, he said, is to do to San Francisco what Musk did to Twitter." Wait, I thought London Breed was trying to do this already.

The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco

[ related topics: broadband Bay Area California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-04-15 18:40:03.311367+02 So Oakland airport is renaming by Dan Lyke comments 0

So Oakland airport is renaming themselves to include "San Francisco" in the name, and... if you can figure out how to get people from one airport to the other in less than 30 minutes or so, I bet you can print money.

Those travelers showing up at the wrong airport who *need* to get across the bay...

[ related topics: Interactive Drama Aviation Bay Area California Culture Currency ]

Entry: 2024-04-13 17:48:53.504984+02 California Journalism Preservation Act by Dan Lyke comments 0

Jeff Jarvis at Nieman Lab: The California Journalism Preservation Act would do more harm than good. Here’s how the state might better help news

“If there are resources to be put to work, we must ask where those resources should come from, who should receive them, and on what basis they should be distributed.”

[ related topics: Interactive Drama Current Events Journalism and Media Work, productivity and environment California Culture Archival ]

Entry: 2024-04-12 17:05:02.619567+02 Waiting at the dealer for warranty by Dan Lyke comments 0

Waiting at the dealer for warranty service on the Bolt, and... I wonder how many of the inefficiencies here vs the shoi take my truck to are intentional. I think an interaction at North Bay Automotive takes me less than 5 minutes, we're headed for half hour for the drop off at Victory Chevrolet.

[ related topics: California Culture Automobiles Machinery Fabrication ]

Entry: 2024-04-01 06:30:02.39674+02 Currently deep in the Journal of Planning Education and Research by Dan Lyke comments 0

Currently deep in the Journal of Planning Education and Research, "Unwanted Housing: Localism and Politics of Housing Development", by Michael Manville and Paavo Monkkonen:

Survey data from California, where housing development is a controversial and often incendiary topic, show that most people approve of state proposals to curb or override local power and allow more development. Those who disapprove — localists — are disproportionately likely to be white, affluent, and homeowners.

[ related topics: Politics California Culture Education Race Real Estate ]

Entry: 2024-03-27 18:09:15.697783+01 Easter Approaches. Be Afraid. by Dan Lyke comments 0

RT Inertial Invites @intransitivelie@beige.party

Jesus: impossible to kill, reproduced asexually. Jesus is canonically a fungus. Clearly the part the Romans crucified was a fruiting body of some kind, leaving the bulk of the organism below ground, safe and secure. And every Easter, we find Jesus' multi-colored spores hidden in dark places. The rabbits tried to warn us. But now it's too late. He's metastasized across the whole planet. Soon enough, he will come again, and when he does, no cross in the world will be big enough to keep him at bay.

*Twilight Zone music intensifies*

[ related topics: Religion Humor Music Bay Area Space & Astronomy California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-03-22 06:10:02.623157+01 Working through my West Coast Shaving by Dan Lyke comments 6

Working through my West Coast Shaving sampler pack: Derby blades were nice, but didn't last super long. The Barco ones were better on that. Opened a pack of Personna, and first shave was super smooth. We'll see how that lasts, but I may prefer these to the Barco.

[ related topics: Work, productivity and environment California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-03-07 00:28:56.487791+01 Road & Track backpedaling by Dan Lyke comments 0

RT Brilliantcrank @Brilliantcrank@mastodon.social

I scooped the media by two days!



@anildash is right, blogs are where to find out what's going on.

/ @dangillmor

Astute readers will notice that the WaPo link now says "Sorry, we can’t seem to find the page you’re looking for", and searching for "Formula One" and "Kate Wagner" aren't giving me anything interesting, which suggests that maybe the Post's editors are as cowardly as Daniel Pund?Brilliant Crank has fixed the original link, but still makes me wonder why search wasn't turning up the article...

Brilliant Crank: Behind F1's velvet curtain, and Road & Track's delete button.

The other link is to Defector: Road & Track EIC Tries To Explain Why He Deleted An Article About Formula 1 Power Dynamics

Kate Wagner's story on Formula One that was published at Road & Track on Archive.com

[ related topics: Sociology Journalism and Media California Culture Automobiles ]

Entry: 2024-03-07 00:19:02.875119+01 Paying it forward by Dan Lyke comments 0

Black couple rented to a Chinese American family when nobody would. Now, they're donating $5M to Black community.

The Dongs are selling the home their family rented and eventually bought from Gus Thompson, a former slave, and his wife, Emma. The Dongs will donate the proceeds to Black students.

  1. Coronado California.

[ related topics: Sociology Current Events California Culture Community Marriage ]

Entry: 2024-03-06 20:17:13.561588+01 Transportation Equity Tool by Dan Lyke comments 0

California Launches New Transportation Equity Tool

The Transportation Equity Index calls attention to inequitable distribution of transportation benefits and harms - and creates a new way to map multimodal access


[ related topics: Invention and Design California Culture Maps and Mapping ]

Entry: 2024-03-06 19:13:48.037743+01 St Vincent's restructuring by Dan Lyke comments 0

So far as I can tell, the Santa Rosa diocese, notoriously "conservative", is going through bankruptcy and restructuring in order to avoid paying for some of the damages they've done by sheltering abusers and encouraging abuse, and these aren't really layoffs as much as they are a shell game to move the operations of St Vincent's out from under those liabilities.

But the newspapers are doing a decent job of getting those sad face reacts. And the Argus Courier is doing a better job of reporting this than SFGate...

SFGate: Report: 106-year-old North Bay Catholic school set to close in May, 68 layoffs.

Petaluma 360 / Argus-Courier: St. Vincent readies for title change

A notice sent to the city, county and state regarding “layoffs” and “permanent closure” was just a “procedural step,” school leaders said.

[ related topics: Religion Children and growing up Games Current Events Heinlein California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-02-20 21:45:03.095167+01 When a square dance caller asks for by Dan Lyke comments 0

When a square dance caller asks for recommendations of recent releases of modern pop, and an MWSD music producer responds with a version of something that peaked on the Billboard charts in January of 1990...

Modern Western Square Dancing may have a bit of an age/culture issue, huh.

[ related topics: Music Sociology California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-02-19 19:03:42.963565+01 Police spending & crime clearance rates by Dan Lyke comments 0

Center on Juvenile & Criminal Justice: California Law Enforcement Agencies Are Spending More But Solving Fewer Crimes

This steep decline in crime-solving has occurred despite ballooning law enforcement budgets. From 1990 to 2022, Californians’ per-capita spending on law enforcement rose by 52% in constant, inflation-adjusted dollars to a total of roughly $25.5 billion...

[ related topics: Law Enforcement California Culture Flowers Economics ]

Entry: 2024-02-18 22:55:21.787212+01 Climate Change of the Moment by Dan Lyke comments 0

Why State Land Use Reform Should Be a Priority Climate Lever for America

RMI analysis shows enacting state-level land use reform to encourage compact development can reduce annual US pollution by 70 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2033. This projection, based on 2023 data, underscores the potential for significant impact within a decade. It would deliver more climate impact than half the country adopting California’s ambitious commitment to 100% zero-emission passenger vehicle sales by 2035. Here’s another way of looking at this: addressing America’s chronic housing shortage intelligently — by building more housing where people most need it — can deliver similar climate impact as the country’s most aspirational transportation decarbonization policy. How’s that for a two-for-one deal?

Via Kurt Nordback @kurtn@toot.bldrweb.org

Related: RT Mark Ingalls @ingalls@pdx.social

Something that stood out to me at AMS is that without significant change to GHG emissions, we’re likely to see CO2 levels around those of the Miocene within the next 50 years or so.

Temps during the Miocene were 3-4°C warmer on average than today. Iceland had a subtropical #climate, Greenland was ice free.

It will take temps time to catch up with GHG content, but us changing the atmosphere this rapidly was shocking to me. This CO2 concentration is likely to occur before I die.


[ related topics: Television California Culture Real Estate Global Warming ]

Entry: 2024-02-15 19:07:44.454601+01 J.K. Rowling's history of transphobia by Dan Lyke comments 0

So I can find it again: Vox: Is J.K. Rowling transphobic? Let’s let her speak for herself.

[ related topics: Sociology California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-02-15 18:55:38.682174+01 Traffic enforcement by Dan Lyke comments 0

Portland Police Bureau officer admits traffic enforcement messaging was politically motivated

Various people have looked at San Francisco's enforcement suggestions say that it sure looks like SFPD has stopped doing traffic enforcement.

Via Matt Haughey 🦣 @mathowie@xoxo.zone who notes:

During covid, the Portland Police Bureau's budget was cut by 5% and the cops revolted, stopped enforcing crimes, and claimed it was due to defunding. The city is less safe due to the last few years of cops not doing their jobs.

I missed last summer when during a press conference a cop admitted they disbanded their traffic enforcement, told everyone in public there was no traffic enforcement, and all to score political points and get their funding back.


it's kind of amazing when something dumb happens in city politics, and everyone says hey it looks like they're faking a story to push fear into the public while holding the city hostage until we pay the cops off (cops are already the biggest portion of the city budget), and then two years later a cop admits on record yeah, we totally made all that shit up to force everyone into a funding increase for cops.

[ related topics: Bay Area Law Enforcement California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-02-12 21:20:45.793194+01 Waymo fireworks in the cabin by Dan Lyke comments 0

There are a number of different takes on this: San Francisco crowd attacks Waymo driverless car. Apparently the vehicle tried to drive through the middle of a Chinese New Year celebration in Chinatown.

I like this one: RT Charlie Stross @cstross@wandering.shop

@AndyGER @mastodonmigration Reading between the lines: an EMPTY car tried barging its way through a Chinese New Year CROWD in Chinatown. Totally unsurprised they got angry!

[ related topics: Invention and Design Bay Area Current Events California Culture Automobiles ]

Entry: 2024-02-12 18:30:02.606183+01 Watched _Bathtubs Over Broadway_ by Dan Lyke comments 0

Watched Bathtubs Over Broadway last night, and quite enjoyed it, but/and it also gave me more to think about in terms of the "what history is worth saving?" and "what does history mean to us as a culture vs individually?"

But it was fun to see a niche of Americana that isn't widely exposed.

[ related topics: Movies Theater & Plays Sociology California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-02-07 05:04:13.692544+01 Square Dance Calling whine of the moment by Dan Lyke comments 0

Tomorrow night we're going down to Marin for a song circle with Marv Zauderer. Thursday I'm driving... I'm allowing 2 hours there, probably an hour and a half back... so 3 to 4 hours ... to call in the East Bay. And I've turned down quite a few East Bay calling gigs recently. And I'm thinking about square dance calling vs song circles, and what I'm putting my energy into, and how square dancing *needs* more callers here willing to subsidize the hobby ('cause calling is not a cheap hobby), let alone in the East Bay, and what we put our energies into.

One of the nearer clubs getting my services of late made some huge shifts in their calling because they wanted to feel like the caller was more a part of their social circles. And as I compare square dancing to song circles, I see just how much the idea of the caller as separate is baked into the activity, and how the song circle community can have nurturing additional leaders integrated into the activity.

One of Charlene's complaints with me calling is that we don't get a chance to dance together as much as she'd like. I don't know how to change, to reimagine, square dancing as an activity to be less hierarchical, to be more nurturing of new callers, to have a better mix of dancing and calling.

It really means an extreme re-work of the activity.

[ related topics: Invention and Design Bay Area Work, productivity and environment California Culture Community ]

Entry: 2024-02-05 17:51:06.749575+01 Talking with Scott Wiener about speed limiting by Dan Lyke comments 2

Bloomberg CityLab: Inside California’s Coming Fight Over Vehicle Speed Limiters

On Jan. 24, California State Senator Scott Wiener introduced a bill outlining a different approach. If California Senate Bill 961 passes, the state would be the first in the US to require technology known as Intelligent Speed Assist, which uses GPS location data to adjust a vehicle’s top speed to reflect a roadway’s posted speed limit. Wiener’s bill mandates that speed limiters be installed on all new cars sold statewide by 2027, with the devices set to 10 miles per hour above the speed limit. (Drivers would be able to temporarily override the system, and emergency vehicles would be exempt.)

[ related topics: Interactive Drama Politics Invention and Design Current Events California Culture Maps and Mapping ]

Entry: 2024-01-31 17:46:50.708422+01 Kirk Drift by Dan Lyke comments 0

I linked to this back in 2017, but it's making the rounds again, and it's worth a re-read, especially since I've been thinking a lot about the value of history, and how much we re-tell stories in the context of our current culture. Often telling that as what we'd like it to have been, rather than how it was.

Strange Horizons: Freshly Remember'd: Kirk Drift, by Erin Horáková. On how the popular image of Kirk as womanizer interacts with the canon.

[ related topics: Star Trek Sociology California Culture Archival ]

Entry: 2024-01-25 18:35:02.214469+01 I've been wondering when Tesla shares by Dan Lyke comments 0

I've been wondering when Tesla shares were going to start to collapse, and if this spreads a bit it's gonna be very interesting for the Bay Area, as so many startups are propped up by people who made money in TSLA and are hodling...

WaPo on how the recent earnings call was a disaster. But the cheap car will be out in 2026. I guess they've given up on promising actual Full Self Driving.

#GiftArticle https://wapo.st/4b6UtAp

[ related topics: Interactive Drama California Culture Automobiles Currency ]

Entry: 2024-01-23 18:23:50.174508+01 stories designed to tug at heart strings by Dan Lyke comments 0

In "really? I'd never have suspected that a DA's office might make up bullshit for propaganda purposes." news: Northern California Public Media: Sonoma County DA's fentanyl ad features fake storyline

Via SFGate: Bay Area DA admits 6-year-old's playground fentanyl overdose never happened

[ related topics: Current Events Journalism and Media California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-01-18 00:55:54.982684+01 Siskiyou County Sheriff targeting Hmong by Dan Lyke comments 0

In Northern California, Asian residents say they are being targeted by traffic stops — The Siskiyou County sheriff’s department has been accused of racial profiling in the past.

[ related topics: History California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-01-03 19:07:56.777828+01 How to respond to unionization by Dan Lyke comments 0

Costco's CEO just shared a surprising response to a warehouse unionizing

The memo on Reddit, text excerpted:

To: All U.S. employees

From: Craig Jelinek and Ron Vachris

Some of you may have heard recently about union activity at Costco's warehouse in Norfolk, Virginia. Last week, in a close vote, Costco employees in Norfolk voted in favor of representation by the Teamsters union.

To be honest, we're disappointed by the result in Norfolk. We're not disappointed in our employees; we're disappointed in ourselves as managers and leaders. The fact that a majority of Norfolk employees felt that they wanted or needed a union constitutes a failure on our part.

At Costco, we take great pride in our relationships with each other. We're not anti-union, but our core value of "taking care of our employees" has never been the result of any union. It's been part of Costco's Mission Statement and the foundation of our Employee Agreement from the very beginnings of Costco's business.

Please know that we're as committed as ever to our employees. If you ever have any doubt or question about this commitment, please talk with your manager or any member of Costco's leadership team. Our culture of trust, respect and reliance upon each other is what makes Costco such a great company.

As always, thank you for all you do for Costco and for each other.


[ related topics: Interactive Drama Sociology Work, productivity and environment California Culture ]

Entry: 2024-01-01 18:40:02.927425+01 Theory making art that stretches by Dan Lyke comments 0

Theory: making art that stretches humanity, rather than reinforcing the existing culture, by reusing the symbols that are deeply embedded in that culture, is not likely to be made easier if repurposing old versions of icons is suddenly legal.

In fact it feels likely that mostly this will serve to re-entrench the mores and valued of the entrenched forces.

[ related topics: Interactive Drama Robotics Sociology Law Art & Culture California Culture Embedded Devices ]

Entry: 2023-12-18 18:35:02.06071+01 Was at a party this weekend ended up by Dan Lyke comments 0

Was at a party this weekend, ended up in a discussion with a public employee who's worked in housing policy, and a third person, and the third person said something about moving the homeless out to some place in the Central Valley where housing is cheaper.

And it became very clear to me how well meaning nice people can end up supporting policies that put the undesirables out in the camps.

Anyway, homelessness can be precipitating trauma, more housing, bring down housing costs with supply.

[ related topics: Work, productivity and environment California Culture Community Real Estate ]

Entry: 2023-12-13 19:50:02.416641+01 Yay for automated speed enforcement by Dan Lyke comments 0

Yay for automated speed enforcement through passive infrastructure!



[ related topics: Movies Space & Astronomy California Culture ]

Entry: 2023-12-12 18:55:02.313244+01 I've been thinking a lot about what by Dan Lyke comments 0

I've been thinking a lot about "what even is sex?" recently, and last night started reading Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma, and Consensual Nonmonogamy[Wiki], which quickly referenced "The Opposite of Rape Culture is Nurturance Culture", and even though I linked to it back in 2016 it's worth a re-read now.


[ related topics: Erotic Sexual Culture Sociology California Culture ]

Entry: 2023-12-11 19:16:41.135063+01 The art of Melrose Place by Dan Lyke comments 0

The Virus Inside Your TV — In the 1990s, a group of radical artists smuggled political messages into Melrose Place. Not everyone found it funny.

Two pieces from this period stand out, however. The first is called Safety Sheets, a set of linens for the bedroom of playboy doctor Peter Burns (Jack Wagner) made by students in the textiles department at the University of Georgia. The sheets can be seen in multiple episodes of the show, but they’re especially noticeable in an episode called “Run, Billy, Run.” During this episode, Burns and his current lover wake up one morning in his apartment. If you know what you’re looking for, you can identify the pattern on his bedsheets and pillowcases: unrolled condoms. At the time, the Federal Communications Commission wouldn’t allow unrolled condoms to be shown on TV. LaPointe still remembers how he felt when he saw the camera linger on the couple in bed, the sheets clearly visible. “That was the moon landing,” he said. “Oh my God, it’s actually happening.

[ related topics: Religion Interactive Drama Politics Photography Sexual Culture Technology and Culture Health virus Aviation moron Sociology Art & Culture Television California Culture Pyrotechnics Education Real Estate Furniture Woodworking ]

Entry: 2023-12-10 23:55:01.742714+01 Any relatively recent model year Bolt by Dan Lyke comments 0

Any relatively recent model year Bolt owners willing to share what their projected range is this time of year? We (Petaluma, northern California) are getting 185 at 80% charge reported with the new replaced battery, and the old battery seemed like it was telling us a hell of a lot more than that (196-215 or so at 80%), and we're wondering WTF and if we need to find a lawyer for a conversation with GM.

[ related topics: Interactive Drama Invention and Design Law California Culture Fabrication ]

Entry: 2023-12-08 19:30:02.273579+01 I was looking at California's duck by Dan Lyke comments 0

I was looking at California's "duck curve" of electricity generation yesterday, and then listening to the Capitol Weekly podcast interview with Loretta Lynch about California electricity rates on my walk into work today, and between that and our true-up costs this year I'm now starting to really wonder what it's gonna take to get our houses off-grid.


[ related topics: Cool Science Work, productivity and environment California Culture Pop Culture Real Estate ]

Entry: 2023-12-08 01:10:03.721402+01 Duck Curves by Dan Lyke comments 0

US Energy Information Agency: As solar capacity grows, duck curves are getting deeper in California.

Duck curves are a solar energy phenomenon where solar takes up all of the mid-day energy consumption, then falls off as evening energy costs are rising (the duck head). Causing all sorts of storage and generation challenges.

[ related topics: Nature and environment California Culture Photovoltaics ]

Entry: 2023-11-30 07:58:40.826447+01 Veev folds by Dan Lyke comments 0

In our various Know Before You Grow Petaluma forums, we often get the "what about modular construction?" question. With construction costs running over $450/sq.ft., often way over, ways to reduce construction costs is a topic of much discussion, even if it just means that some of the construction labor that would normally be commuting in from the Central Valley (because we've priced that sector out of our communities) could do some of their work further from home.

Many of us who've looked at this sigh and point out that modular construction has been the technology of the future for at least half a century. At any rate, Veev, yet another modular builder, has tossed in the towel.

Once a Bay Area 'unicorn,' well-funded company to fold with few houses built — Veev raised $400 million last year, and now it's closing with few homes built

[ related topics: Interactive Drama Work, productivity and environment California Culture Sports Machinery Community Fabrication Real Estate Model Building ]

Entry: 2023-11-29 20:39:21.957418+01 Police Violence by Dan Lyke comments 0

Fatherly: Police and Violence at Home: What The Numbers Say

Though data on police domestic violence is not only notoriously difficult to gather but also skewed by a culture of silence and intimidation, it suggests that police officers in the United States perpetrate acts of domestic violence at roughly 15 times the rate of the general population. Because officers tend to protect their own, domestic victims of violent cops often don’t know where to go. ...

[ related topics: Sociology Law Enforcement California Culture ]

Entry: 2023-11-29 20:38:03.925277+01 ChatGPT training data by Dan Lyke comments 0

404 Media: Google Researchers’ Attack Prompts ChatGPT to Reveal Its Training Data

“We show an adversary can extract gigabytes of training data from open-source language models like Pythia or GPT-Neo, semi-open models like LLaMA or Falcon, and closed models like ChatGPT,” the researchers, from Google DeepMind, the University of Washington, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon University, the University of California Berkeley, and ETH Zurich, wrote in a paper published in the open access prejournal arXiv Tuesday.

Extracting Training Data from ChatGPT

Via @SnoopJ@hachyderm.io

[ related topics: Bay Area Journalism and Media California Culture Education ]

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