Flutterby™! : early sex doesn't lead to delinquency

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early sex doesn't lead to delinquency

2007-11-16 22:52:03.249322+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

Study debunks theory on teen sex and delinquency:

But those are risks that other nations have mitigated with education, Harden and Turkheimer said, while U.S. educators wanting a piece of the nation's $200 million "abstinence only" budget must adhere to a curriculum that links sex to delinquency and explicitly precludes discussion of contraception.

The new study "really calls into question the usefulness of abstinence education for preventing behavior problems," Harden said, "and questions the bigger underlying assumption that all adolescent sex is always bad."

Via Mithras over at Gloria's oversexed mind.

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