Flutterby™! : Gov 3.0

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Gov 3.0

2009-12-22 06:48:58.443443+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

Andrea DiMaio: It is Time to Look at Government 3.0 (or Better Understand 2.0).

I ran across this immediately after FaceTwitting "Pondering the difference between politicians who can win, but whose speeches are vague and interpretable, to those w/ principles who lose.", related to some issues of local Sonoma County politics, and after reading yet another tale of a scamster selling ridiculous crap to the CIA causing the terror level to be raised from "hokum" to "bullshit" (Via SE, the comment "ring riot said @ 4:11pm GMT on 21st Dec" is worth a read), and learning that health insurance company stocks are the highest they've been in a year on news that the current give-away to Wall Street that is the healthcare bill is likely to pass.

(I should note that what the scamster sold to the CIA wasn't an implausible idea, steganography in Al Jazeera television signals is totally technically feasible, the hogwash was that any third party without inside knowledge could detect it and decipher it if those doing it had the remotest level of clue).

Anyway, I had a thesis here somewhere but I've been off doing other things with the evening and forgot it. So, no thesis, just random stuff.

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