Flutterby™! : Wal*Mart as college

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Wal*Mart as college

2010-06-07 18:29:55.351933+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments

What are the signs of a bubble? Out of control spending on a product? Check. Redefinition of the product and changing standards on the purchasers in order to sell more of it? Check. From that latter, this quote:

Daniel Soto of Hardeeville, S.C., works full time at Wal-Mart as a zone manager supervisor, lending a hand in several departments. He had to give up college to work, but said he could see some of his duties translating to academia, such as the algebraic equations he uses to figure out how much merchandise will fit on a shelf or how much of a product to order.

"I do math all day at Wal-Mart," he said.

I suspect he's one of those people who cannot distinguish arithmetic from mathematics.

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#Comment Re: made: 2010-06-08 15:07:21.807226+00 by: petronius

I saw a piece about some young lady who is pissed that she now owes $100,000 in student loans, and that she blames the banks for letting her get so deeply in debt when jobs are few. Her degree is in Women's studies. I think the bubble was inside her head.

As to WalMart U., I am fascinated at the scorn directed at this program. Most of it is pure snobbery at the proles who work at Walmart, but there is also a whiff of fear that higher education of some form is being removed from the purview of the cartel that runs the allegedly not-for-profit universities.