Flutterby™! : Goodbye Nokia

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Goodbye Nokia

2013-09-03 16:43:56.843194+00 by meuon 4 comments

Apparently, MSFT acquired NOK (Microsoft absorbed Nokia). I liked this quote:


"adding on a mobile phone business that Microsoft probably should abandon is like attaching an anchor to said straitjacket and tossing the patient into the ocean."

for the visual..

I'll also play devils advocate in that: if they could pull it off, it could put them back in the market as a contender. Part of what makes the iPhone ore appealing to the masses is the consistent way it works with consistent high quality hardware. Unfortunately, I don't see MSFT as getting that much act together quick enough. I haven't met anyone with a MSFT powered phone yet... not even the corporate types.

[ related topics: Interactive Drama Humor Microsoft moron Economics iPhone ]

comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):

#Comment Re: made: 2013-09-03 17:11:47.750358+00 by: ebradway

The only people I know with Windows phones are people who work for Microsoft.

#Comment Re: made: 2013-09-03 18:01:49.546145+00 by: Dan Lyke

The camera in the Nokia Lumia was attractive, but the Windows Phone aspect of it was a deal-breaker, and I don't know how Microsoft can overcome that momentum. At this point Windows on the desktop largely lives because of its momentum. IT managers have large systems with it running, home users are familiar with it because of that, and run it because the hardware's cheaper than the Mac and the advantages of using Linux don't outweigh the issues with running unfamiliar software.

So with Android on the phone being a known quantity, Windows is a distant third behind Android and iOS.

I see two ways for Microsoft to overcome this issue:

  1. Innovate in the actual environment. This is unlikely, for all the reasons Windows continues to be dragged down by its legacy.
  2. Innovate the hell out of the development environment. This is where Microsoft has a chance. C# is actually pretty cool, and as much as I like to rag on Visual Studio, autocomplete makes an environment where even something as poorly designed as the .NET framework becomes amazingly usable.

I think the real question at this point is: What does that buy you? Do they have a distribution platform to rival iTunes or Play? Not really. Is there more room in the mobile device space to do real innovation? I mean, beyond Angry Birds and the Bejeweled? I'd be reluctant to play cards there if only because of all the patent trolling going on.

Where we may see the Windows platform make inroads is in process automation stuff, tablets in the warehouse or on the production line. But the goofy pre-movie ads for RT and the lackluster tablet don't suggest that Microsoft really understands how to integrate this new space into the real world.

#Comment Re: made: 2013-09-04 11:52:21.818027+00 by: DaveP

I also found this graphic interesting.

#Comment Re: made: 2013-09-04 16:58:17.074977+00 by: TC

I'd really like to see Microsoft become a third choice. We get honest innovation when there is enough competition. Occasionally someone will pull a DICK MOVE like Amazon blocking Apple's airplay but most of the time you see tech-giants run scared trying not to loose market share.

I'm not sure what would save Microsoft now. Ballmer leaving(good but not enough). Fixing windows8 with Windows blue (triage?). Xbox looks strong today but don't underestimate their ability to screw up the Xbox1 vs PS4 battle coming. Office is still the top dog but the way apps are being developed that might look like a Trex vs flesh eating bacteria type of contest.

Microsoft is one of the few companies that has the internal resources to skunk works enough projects to give us the new next thing iWatch, Glass etc but I don't see it happening. No visionary leader to chart that course. These conversations were more fun when scotch was involved....