Flutterby™! : New York

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New York

2003-06-27 15:44:42.903281+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

Back from the Big Apple. Work went okay. Some real sleep would be nice, but I've got to summarize my Hong Kong trip and my New York trip and do some other work on Friday, Saturday morning we take off for Seattle, then north to hang out with my family in the far reaches of the islands off of Washington. And, of course, back on next Friday for Sam and Kathleen's wedding. Maybe that Saturday?

Two New York moments involving rescue vehicles:

  1. From the taxi driving from JFK to Manhattan, I saw a fire truck, lights flashing and siren wailing, enter the expressway in front of us. We blew by it in the left lane.
  2. Walking up 8th Avenue. Ambulance in traffice next to us, siren wailing. At first we thought it was the car alarm on the vehicle being towed. Took three blocks for it to pass us.

The Hotel Moderne[Wiki] was better than my experiences at the Hotel Pennsylvania[Wiki], but an extra coat of paint and some Warhol prints didn't mask the decrepit in-room air conditioner, and it was freakin' hot in the city that allegedly never sleeps. Passable, but barely.

Jet Blue both ways. It's strange how the seats in the Cathay Pacific Airbus planes are so much more comfortable than the leather seats in planes from the same manufacturer that Jet Blue[Wiki] flies. But my experience of Jet Blue is improving.

(And two of my four recent flights have had an empty seat next to me! Woohoo! More bright smiles for the check-in clerks!)

However, having five and a half hours of DirecTV programming available to me each way has done nothing to make me want more television in my life. And, dayumn, most of the material on VH-1 Classic[Wiki] makes the viking kittens even more entertaining. Although I'm also now much more conscious of hairstyles, and ya know, there are some moderns ones which are going to look really bad in two decades.

[ related topics: Dan's Life New York ]

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