Flutterby™! : Marauding reptiles

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Marauding reptiles

2004-06-28 16:42:46.217975+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

While we were down in Fresno weekend before last we went and hung out with Charlene's brother. He's a fairly serious cyclist, so he did 60 miles, came and picked us up at Charlene's parents' house, and we cruised back to his house to chat with him about life, get suggestions and tips on the bike (I've since been practicing with clipless pedals on the mountain bike, because dropping the tandem would be bad), and hang out by their pool.

Out by the pool in their back yard, they've got a tortoise. It's nearly 40 lbs (should top out at 100 lbs). It loves plums. They've got a plum tree that's dropping a lot of fruit. So there's this giant reptile with red ooze dripping from its mouth wandering around the back yard. Quite the lawn ornament.

[ related topics: Dan's Life Nature and environment Bicycling Bicycling - Tandem ]

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