Flutterby™! : Audioblogging Manifesto

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Audioblogging Manifesto

2004-09-03 04:01:02.12834+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

I've been listening to a bunch of audio blogs as I do the morning dishes, and while I've heard a few good ideas, I'm fairly sure that this isn't a habit that's going to survive my re-employment. Mark had a link to Maciej Ceglowski's Audioblogging Manifesto[mp3]. There's a text version:

But before you jump on the audioblogging bandwagon, remember this - the power of the Web is the power to choose. You make your own trails, and your own links. You read what you like and skip the boring bits. And audioblogging takes that power of choice away. Your listeners become a passive audience - they have no power to skim, they can't skip the boring parts, they can't link or excerpt your post effectively....

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