Flutterby™! Things to do with $10k 2003-07-09 17:21:37.09749+00

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Things to do with $10k

2003-07-09 17:21:37.09749+00 by Dan Lyke / 3 comments

Adam Curry offers $10k to be split among weblog syndicator writers who eschew the new "Echo" spec. Wow. You've gotta be really committed to a religion to want to suppress alternate views that strongly. I've got a better idea. an entry over at ErosBlog alerted me to Violet Blue's 6/10 entry where she says of the Real Doll, particularly the male version:

I would absolutely love the opportunity to violate this doll ten ways until Sunday, and see just what silicone boy was really made of. Okay, I guess that would be silicone.

But still, if it weren't for the hugenormous price tag, I'd love to roll around with both a male and female Realdoll for a weekend, even with an added real live person, and if anyone wants to sponsor me doing the deed and writing an article about this scenario (and will ship screener dolls), I'm up for the challenge.

I think we've got the perfect match.

Speaking of which, the guy who helped develop that aforementioned male version got a blue woman for his troubles (thanks to a link at the herdesires).

So, on a business oriented note, anyone know where I could see one of these things "in the silicone"? I have an application for a certain level of flexibility in the mannequin, there are a couple of solutions, but it'd be cool to share tech with these guys if they've actually come up with workable ways to get around some of the problems we've seen with silicone and skeletons.

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