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This is my first attempt at trying to build a Wiki-like knowledge base on top of the Flutterby content management system.

This is a place for explanation, description and static links on a topic that's either too broad to be covered under a single link, or that you're just too lazy to find the real link to.

Entries are automatically generated.


by:Dan Lyke started: 2009-04-14 23:29:22.085906+02 updated: 2009-04-14 23:29:22.085906+02

For Immediate Release: April 15th, 2009

Los Angeles, CA - In the era of accessible communication, it seems like everyone has a voice. From CNN to Snuggie, there are Tweets, Facebook updates, MySpace Bulletins and Blog posts.

Even reluctant participants have fallen into to the fold, including Ron Jeremy’s penis. No, that’s not a typo. The adult film icon’s penis hosts its own blog http://ronjeremysdick.blogspot.com and Tweets on a regular basis at http://twitter.com/ronsmonster.

After years of being relegated to just another member of the Actor’s Guild, and often called a stiff, single-focused performer, or just a dick, Ron Jeremy’s penis is ready to share its thoughts, observations, and life as seen through its unique eye. It has a lot on its mind, from thoughts about the economy to its own picks for “American Idol.”

You will be amazed at how alert and truly sensitive this newest member of the blogosphere is. Ron Jeremy’s penis is ready to go for a very long time. You don’t need to stroke its ego. Become a friend and follower and share your stories and comments on whatever topic resonates with you, but most of all, just come and have a ball.

"One-Eyed Monster" starring adult film actors Ron Jeremy, Veronica Hart and mainstream film and television actress Amber Benson, comes to stores nationwide on April 28th.

For more information, please contact: Brian Gross, BSG PR, 818.340.4422.

About Liberation Entertainment:

Based in Los Angeles, Liberation Entertainment, Inc. is a leading independent global distributor of visual content. Launched in 2006 by influential media entrepreneur Jay Boberg with the financial backing of media and communications private-equity firm Clarity Partners LP, Liberation Entertainment owns the rights to a wide variety of premium audio-visual content, including independent and feature films, classic television, CGI animation, music and lifestyle programming. With unmatched expertise at worldwide television sales and domestic & international DVD distribution, Liberation Entertainment will continue to grow as a compelling force in the global entertainment market.

Flutterby™ is a trademark claimed by

Dan Lyke
for the web publications at www.flutterby.com and www.flutterby.net.