Cool Sites in Chronological Order

You might even be old enough to remember Sunday, November 24, 1963, not only is this the best photo retouching job I've seen on the web , the statement it makes is kinda shocking too. It's fun to compare it to the original (available as a link off that page) and look for the evidence of tampering. Anyway, I've got one of the T-shirts on order.

Travels With Samantha is a journal written by Philip Greenspun , on his road trip from Boston to Alaska and back. He's not only an engaging writer, but one heck of a photographer, and he manages to show a side to the world that most of us blithely drive by. Highly recommended.

The Blue Dot is what the web was built for. Art that makes you go "Hmmmm."

My Word's Worth is Marylaine Block's weekly column. I don't always agree with them, but they usually make me think, and I can't ask for more than that. She also has a great index of places to start looking for reference materials on the web called Where the Wild Things Are which should be high up in any list of indices.

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