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Re: the butterfly effect

>stories. I knew Gary Gygax (before he went insane) and the grand sagas and

Whoa. That was funny...

>Yes I tend agree with your model of interconectivety of characters. I think
>that causality will be simplified and cheated because the *"Butterfly"
>effect is not possible or desired in a story world.  To further your analogy
>God(story engine) is watching the player and God's purpose for existance is
>to create an interesting path the player follows. When the player strays
>from the path, God is very punishing and can be a real pain until she gets
>her lamb sacrafied at the alter. Now I don't think the enviorment should
>freeze up or become stale until the exact prescribed action is taken. That
>would be a puzzle game. Existence is a lot of gentle tugs and pushes.......

Would God be able to compensate for the missing character intellectually?
One of the ideas that I initially had with the HTML world (tim: interactive
fiction world created out of HTML, added on if players stray, etc) was to
allow the character to define his own AI...

If the player can't play, or needs to go away, or just wants to be sure
that he doesn't do something stupid when in real life he is sleeping, then
he can define certain parts of himself - what to do if he is attacked,
seduced, add your emotion/action here. Granted, that requires people who
have half a brain to choose their AI intelligence, and falls short on one
thing - the people who probably would utilize the AI would be the people
who would be playing the game all the time anyways, so it MIGHT not be as
useful as I assumed...

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