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Re: Interactive storytelling and me; and a challenge

thom@indiana.edu wrote:

Quoting "Brandon J. Van Every" <vanevery@indiegamedesign.com>:

thom@indiana.edu wrote:

Art isn't something which matches the couch any more.

I missed this bit earlier. I don't know where you've been art shopping lately, but there are a helluva lotta galleries in a helluva lotta parts of the country where the Art darn well does "match the couch."

My point is that that is not art.

Well, it is. It's not 'merely' craft, or some diminutive like that. I don't know what you think Art has to be about, but as far as all the historians are concerned, pretty Impressionist paintings that go well with the living room decor are as much Art as anything else. I do think that the 'Art' of impressionist painting styles vs. the 'craft' of pottery decoration is a dubious distinction though.

We have had a good half a century of programming. I can't think of anything which comes close to 'ART' in caps.

I think you're eschewing the work of a lot of 3D artists / animators. Or else saying "that's not programming." Which, given things such as the Maya Extension Language (MEL), is debateable. Also, what about visual programming languages? Must everything always be a textual script?

Cheers, www.indiegamedesign.com Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA

20% of the world is real.
80% is gobbledygook we make up inside our own heads.