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2000-05-16 15:24:58+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments

Sigh. I'm going over to another dark side: Today's all about learning Java Servlets. So far as I can tell, that's mod_perl for a crippled slow version of C++, but most days it doesn't pay to argue with the customer.

comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:58+00 by: tmoore

Call me a corporate tool if you will, but having done both fairly extensively, I'd rather be writing servlets than perl any day for any non-trivial application. Even if you don't care about things like strong typing, things like the built-in session manager make life so much easier, IMO.

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:58+00 by: Dan Lyke

I love Perl, but as I read through more and more documentation it's plain that there's a whole level of tool building out here that's been ignored by much of the circles I hang out in because of anti-Java chauvinism. Yes, the language doesn't have the extremely rapid prototyping and off-the-cuff abilities of Perl, but there's a hell of a lot of stuff for basic web app concepts that exists for Java, and it seems (from the documentation thus far, at least) to be a bit better documented.

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:59+00 by: ebradway

From what I've seen, the multi-tier Java systems provide alot of interesting functionality behind the scenes for really big web apps. But Dan and I both have a certain tendancy towards 'roll-your-own' technologies. If you really want speed and flexibility in the code, a single-tier system prototyped in Perl and goosed up with C++ will smoke the Java system. Of course, those big multi-tiered systems have lotsa load balancing features built-in so you can just keep throwing hardware at your problem until it goes away. So for most enterprise applications, using a more maintainable toolset with Java is preferable... I won't actually admit that I'm stuck in a job where we are using IIS/ASP...