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2000-10-03 15:44:32+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments

Ouch, I'm embarassed. Debra Hyde keeps up with bay area resources better than I, to whit her link to Carol Queen's latest column in which a Lusty Lady[Wiki] stripper talks about fisting.

[ related topics: Web development Sexual Culture ]

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#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:30:22+00 by: debrahyde

Dan, Pretend that I either goosed you or it was a love pinch. Actually, I don't look at bay stuff all that much; this week, I just happen to devote some time to browsing through several alternative weeklies. When I do that, clicking to Carol Queen is a given. And when I'm really in "bay mode," it' because I wish I was living there. ~hugs to you~