Flutterby™! : AIWorks

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2001-06-15 13:59:53+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments

Many years ago, when I lived in Chattanooga, there was a group of people who got together once a month or so who called themselves the Chattanooga C User's Group[Wiki]. We'd talk about algorithms, share code, that sort of thing. One of the folks involved in that crowd was a high schooler named Mark. Well, years later, Mark has a company called AIWorks, and that company has, among other things, a document imaging product. His partner in crime, business, and life, Kelley, is out in the Bay Area for a few days, and last night she and I got together to chat. They've got a deployment of this product in a huge insurance company, a couple of terabytes of imaged forms tied-in to the rest of their business systems, but they're looking around for other uses. Any of y'all out there familiar with systems that are swamped in paper that need solutions? I don't want to guide the brainstorming, but systems which need tracking of checks or paper invoices or the like?

comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:31:49+00 by: babar

What about the medical industry? Lots of companies have tried to provide a solution, and they have all failed for the most part. Medical records are still paper-based, and still hard to read for other doctors, nurses, or researchers. I don't think document imaging is the complete answer, but it might be a step in the right direction.