.NET support of SOAP
2001-10-25 18:39:37+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
Dave Winer discovers that SOAP is Microsoft misdirection. Sorry,
Dave, but anyone who's tried to use a non-Microsoft browser or media player
on Windows can tell you that Microsoft
is not interested in interoperability, and anyone who's followed, say,
the whole Direct 3D versus OpenGL
thing understands that they'll
blatantly lie to distract developers. Watch the hand that doesn't have
the ball in it, because that's where the ball is.
Correction: Microsoft's support of SOAP is a misdirection. In Dave's clarification he notes:
Now if I take off my SOAP hat, I have to say if MS achieves interop in SOAP, it would be a milestone, and unusual behavior for them, and newsworthy.