Flutterby™! : Mea culpa

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Mea culpa

2001-11-12 22:52:22+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments

Mea culpa: I have ranted several times recently about "journalistic integrity" and how weblogs seem to get a much higher truth level than the mainstream press. This morning's coverage of the American Airlines crash in New York City on NPR and other places seemed to totally drive home that point. It's sweet irony, therefore, that I have to comment about my link to a News.com article about broadband defections. Back then (5 days ago), the headline was Broadband defectors on the rise, today's broadband article is headlined Cable modem use rises.... Sigh.

[ related topics: Weblogs broadband Aviation Current Events Journalism and Media ]

comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:33:18+00 by: starbreeze

Well, my take on it is that so many DSL providers have been going out of business, that people were going back to dialup. I don't know many people who have cable modems in this area because my phone company provides nicely priced DSL, hence it is very stable. But yes, it is a stupidly contradicting article.
