Flutterby™! : Hiking

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2003-09-01 17:23:53.057321+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

Yesterday we hiked from Mountain Home Inn to the top of Mount Tam and back down. Yes, that's Phil and Mark, but no, they're not apologizing to the gods for returning their gift before hurling the Coke bottle off the edge. A nice hike, something like 1700 feet vertical, we had a decent breakfast back at Mountain Home Inn (a bit pricey but the food was good, lots of ambience). Then later, Charlene and I went and hiked over Deer Park[Wiki], monster steep uphill (which I did twice because we got nearly to the first knoll before we realized we forgot water), an then a nice meander back down through the trees with a stop to pick blackberries along the trail (somewhat sweet, but not terribly flavorfull).

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