Flutterby™! : SQL query

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SQL query

2006-08-22 23:22:58.020684+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments

I'm whipping together a little tool to make managing some SQL data easier, and one of the things I want it to do is to automatically create tables and table rows if they don't already exist.

Anyone know a DBI/Perl-ish way to query table information for MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite? So I'm far holding table information in a secondary table, but I'm not happy with that solution.

[ related topics: Perl Open Source Databases ]

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#Comment Re: [Entry #9208] SQL query made: 2006-08-23 00:01:02.585965+00 by: Unknown, from NNTP

Dan Lyke <danlyke@flutterby.com> writes:

>    Anyone know a DBI/Perl-ish way to query table information for MySQL,
>    PostgreSQL and SQLite? 

DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader will automatically generate DBIx::Class::Schema constructs for you by interrogating your database schema on the fly. (And then those DBIx::Class::Schema classes in turn give you full-blown ORM functionality, which is a Really Nice Thing.) Supports the RDBMSen you mention; in CPAN.