Jerry Work's conference table
2008-02-29 14:40:36.896621+00 by
Dan Lyke
Jerry Work has some gorgeous construction photos from a round conference table he just did. He seems to be avoiding hot-linking, and once I figured out his URL scheme... well... I concur. Click on "tutorials" up there in the top bar, it's worth it.
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Fabrication Furniture Woodworking
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#Comment Re: made: 2008-02-29 16:29:28.876085+00 by:
Javascript sucks.
#Comment Re: made: 2008-02-29 16:40:34.366769+00 by:
#Comment Re: made: 2008-02-29 17:36:24.491226+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Shadow, yeah, I figured he was using framing rather than JavaScript, but I also figured that 'cause it was hidden off on that other server, and it was only a click from the front page, it was easier to just link to the front.
m (yeah, some day I'm going to fix that fershlugginer bug that makes "m," show up as a list entry...), yeah, if you're on this coast a visit to his shop is definitely worthwhile, and Charlene and I are going to have to make another trip up there some time. Also worth reading are his application notes for using various parts of the Festool
system, off of the Festool USA woodworking application notes, even if you're not a Festool
devotee. Charlene and I saw his butterfly leaf table described in his Domino notes when we were up in Oregon last, and it was really cool.