Flutterby™! : Multi-touch web pages

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Multi-touch web pages

2010-11-22 22:14:26.705125+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments

So after ranting about the hellish things people do with JavaScript, I'm considering implementing a simple CAD/drafting system in it because I dislike everything out there, and the state of CAD on the iPad right now is beyond atrocious.

Anyone got a favorite JavaScript multi-touch framework? Scripty2 works great on desktop machines, but has some heavy transform reset issues in the iPad.

comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):

#Comment Re: made: 2010-11-23 00:16:49.563295+00 by: igor'

from what I understand in mobile safari gestures (multitouch) is just another event, so most JS frameworks should be able to take care of it, some out of the box, some may need an extention.

jquery is the most popular, i like dojo and mootools gets good reviews. jquery looks to have a gestures plugin but I personally haven't tried it.

Have you looked into something like Appcelerator TItanium? I have some experience with it, if it does what you need its pretty quick and easy.