Flutterby™! : Pulling out

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Pulling out

2015-09-11 15:41:04.692212+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

Fascinating: Pulling Out Is as Effective as Using Condoms:

"Withdrawal...is about as effective as condoms at preventing pregnancy" begins a 2014 study published by Contraception, an international journal on reproduction. When practiced perfectly—in other words, when the male partner pulls out before ejaculation during every incidence of vaginal intercourse— only 4 percent of couples who use the pullout method will get pregnant within a year. Imperfect, or typical, use bumps that to 18 percent. (Male condoms failure rates are 2 percent for perfect use and 17 percent for typical.) This is a minor discrepancy, yet pulling out has a reputation for being dangerously cavalier, while condoms are the gold standard of sexual responsibility. Several of the medical professionals I reached out to for this piece were sympathetic to withdrawal use but afraid to say so publicly.

Given rates like this, I think there's probably some digging in for more information on disease transmission that could be done...

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