Uber instead of buses
2019-05-07 23:09:26.690324+00 by
Dan Lyke
Today in "unclear on the fundamentals": ‘Uber Was Supposed To Be Our Public Transit’:
Innisfil, Ontario, decided to partially subsidize ride-hailing trips rather than pay for a public bus system. It worked so well that now they have to raise fares and cap rides.
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#Comment Re: Uber instead of buses made: 2019-05-13 14:06:16.56622+00 by:
Ir's a complicated question. Using Uber instead of a scheduled bus system likely brings more people to the city centers than a bus service would, as people don't have to travel as far to bus stops. This means more income at the city centers, which means more tax revenue offsetting the subsidies. You could try and analyze this, but it'd be difficult to get the numbers close.
I'd really rather there not be either taxes or subsidies.
#Comment Re: Uber instead of buses made: 2019-05-14 05:42:01.754844+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Yeah, that's the thing: Charge for the externalities of automobiles, charge for parking, unbundle parking requirements, and a hell of a lot of this would drop away.
But it would also make hundreds of billions of dollars of real estate belonging to millions of voters instantly worthless, so we need, politically, to figure out how to unwind it.
Also, we're really really really bad ad actually billing for externalities, since so much of modern foreign policy, and the modern military, is about regulatory capture...