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Data Sharing

2023-03-08 17:53:32.778305+01 by Dan Lyke 0 comments

Pluralistic: VW wouldn't locate kidnapped child because his mother didn't pay for find-my-car subscription. My sister had similar issues when her truck was stolen, but there's a deeper thing here: VW is selling that location data for marketing purposes.

And, of course, online therapy company Better Help was selling patient data to marketers, specifically “used and revealed consumers’ email addresses, IP addresses, and health questionnaire information to Facebook, Snapchat, Criteo, and Pinterest for advertising purposes.”

The FTC also says that the company gave customer service agents false scripts to try and reassure users that it wasn’t sharing personally identifiable or personal health information after a February 2020 report from Jezebel exposed some of its practices. The commission’s complaint accuses the company of misleading customers by putting a HIPAA seal on its website, despite the fact that “no government agency or other third party reviewed [BetterHelp]’s information practices for compliance with HIPAA, let alone determined that the practices met the requirements of HIPAA.”

And Weight Watchers just acquired Sequence, a telehealth company that prescribes weight loss drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy and Trulicity online

[ related topics: Drugs Psychology, Psychiatry and Personality Health Bioinformatics Current Events Consumerism and advertising Automobiles Marketing Machinery ]

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