RIP Jan Graham
2024-02-19 18:52:21.836803+01 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
College of Law mourns Jan Graham, alum and former Utah attorney general, who first became famous for pointing out the hypocrisy in BYU's Testing Center rules about women's attire:
Graham, who attended BYU when women were unable to take tests while wearing jeans, went to the Testing Center in jeans and was denied permission to take a test.
She contested to no avail, and didn”t want to face winter winds and snow to go home and change.
She went into the bathroom, took off her pants, buttoned her long coat and went back to take her test.
The Testing Center employee believed Graham had a skirt on underneath her coat and let her take her test.
Graham wrote into the Daily Universe afterwards complaining.
“She said there was something perverse about a dress code that would prohibit a woman wearing blue jeans testing privileges, but permit the same student wearing no pants at all to take a test,” said Wood.