Nothing makes me feel the warm fuzzies
2025-01-29 01:25:02.996974+01 by
Dan Lyke
Nothing makes me feel the warm fuzzies like 2 years of Apple Developer forums thread saying "I have this problem too, how do we fix it?"
I also strongly suspect that this would be way easier if I just had a freakin' Makefile rather than trying to point and click through trying to accomplish what I am.
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#Comment Re: Nothing makes me feel the warm fuzzies made: 2025-01-29 00:47:29.436802+01 by:
The Apple Developer Forums are where questions go to die. What's especially fun is during high traffic times
for DTS (like before WWDC), they won't even answer questions, instead telling you to post to the forums.
#Comment Re: Nothing makes me feel the warm fuzzies made: 2025-01-29 00:47:29.436802+01 by:
Dan Lyke
Yeah, it's what I've got to work on. The thread has all sorts of stuff that's clearly just fumbling around whatever this is, not actually solving things.
Argh. The error is:
Build service could not create build operation: unable to load transferred PIF: The workspace contains multiple references with the same GUID 'PACKAGE:1499E7J02IRRFAQ3985G2MC0CL3VEW2PV::MAINGROUP'
A grep of "1499E7J02IRRFAQ3985G2MC0CL3VEW2PV" has it showing up in a ../xcuserdata/danlyke./xcuserdatad/... file. Now I am trying to use a local package that may exist in two entirely distinct projects, but it sure feels like something has poisoned some sort of global XCode cache file somewhere.