Taken: 2006-02-19 18:53:25+01
Dan Lyke
Model Release:
No information for this image
Tech Notes: Camera model : Canon PowerShot S100' / Flash used : No / Focal length : 10.8mm (35mm equivalent: 72mm) / CCD Width : 5.23mm / Exposure time : 0.008 s (1/125) / Aperture : f/4.0 / Focus Dist. : 2.16m / Metering Mode : center weight
To include this image in a Flutterby web page:
<a href="/archives/photo.cgi?id=3488"><img src="/images/elph0158/img_5309.sm.jpg" width="160" height="120" alt="" align="left"></a>
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1600 x 1200
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