Flutterby™!: Passion Parties

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This is my first attempt at trying to build a Wiki-like knowledge base on top of the Flutterby content management system.

This is a place for explanation, description and static links on a topic that's either too broad to be covered under a single link, or that you're just too lazy to find the real link to.

Entries are automatically generated.

by:Dan Lyke started: 2004-01-24 18:41:06.176056+01 updated: 2004-01-24 18:41:06.176056+01

Passion Parties are kind of like Tupperware Parties, only with sensual products.

Passion Parties

by:*formerly "mary", deleted because of inappropriate advertising* [edit history] started: 2004-02-06 05:40:02.11931+01 updated: 2004-02-28 19:47:00.484354+01

Formerly spam advertising a Passion Party consultant. While we've no problem with advertising people who participate in the community or are friends of those who do, we will not stand for those who think it's appropriate to fill up servers with advertising without in some way paying for it.

In fact, had this particular person simply left the wiki definitions in place and not started spamming regular comments, I would have left the page intact.

by:*formerly "mary", deleted because of inappropriate advertising* [edit history] started: 2004-02-07 20:04:45.348443+01 updated: 2004-02-28 19:47:00.484354+01 Formerly spam advertising a _Passion Party_ consultant. While we've no problem with advertising people who participate in the community or are friends of those who do, we will not stand for those who think it's appropriate to fill up servers with advertising without in some way paying for it. In fact, had this particular person simply left the wiki definitions in place and not started spamming regular comments, I would have left the page intact.

by:*formerly "mary", deleted because of inappropriate advertising* [edit history] started: 2004-02-07 20:05:48.692349+01 updated: 2004-02-28 19:47:00.484354+01 Formerly spam advertising a _Passion Party_ consultant. While we've no problem with advertising people who participate in the community or are friends of those who do, we will not stand for those who think it's appropriate to fill up servers with advertising without in some way paying for it. In fact, had this particular person simply left the wiki definitions in place and not started spamming regular comments, I would have left the page intact.

I only

by:*formerly "mary", deleted because of inappropriate advertising* started: 2004-02-29 03:01:39.290827+01 updated: 2004-02-29 03:01:39.290827+01

I only posted this hear because it asked for any information on the subject and I have a lot of knowledge on the matter

Want a Girls night out? Planning a great Bachelorette party? How about getting your couple friends together? Why not host a Passion Party? Passion Parties are confidential in home parties for women and couples. They are like toper wear parties but with bedroom items. I have a full line of lotions, creams, and even things that go buzz in the night. Not only are Passion Parties fun and educational but you earn free stuff. Interested in hosting a Passion Party or becoming a counsultant contact me. Passion_4_Parties@hotmail.com http://maryellensmith.yourpassionconsultant.com

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Dan Lyke
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