anything labeled as "AI" will have more of it
2024-08-02 16:31:23.242995+02 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
Observation regarding that post two days ago that describing a product as "AI" turns off customers, Baldur Bjarnason observes:
This doesn’t come as a surprise to most, but it definitely is surprising to many managers and consultants, but generative models—what’s being marketed as ‘AI’—are contraindications of quality and value
That is, anything those models do well is likely bullshit, so doing it more and better will make the product worse
The tasks and features generative models excel at were almost always bad ideas to begin with, and anything labelled as “AI” will have more of it
And mcc notes
What's amazing to me about this article/study is that after discovering mentions of "AI" make people less interested in products, their recommendation is "so you should not call attention to the AI in your marketing". The idea of simply *not doing* the thing that people don't want is apparently never considered. We cannot conceive of a way of constructing software other than "develop for the investors" h